As you may have noticed, my tagline reads: Live Vicariously Through Yourself!
Analyst, Engineer, Educator, Musician, Speaker, Trainer, Author of “Happy YOU Year” – I’ve managed to accomplish a thing or two during my time here. From the boardroom to the classroom, my passion has been helping to “turn the light on for people in the dark” – giving them that “AHA!” moment that enhances their lives forever. My mission in life is to help people identify and pursue their own MAGNUM OPUS ENTERPRISE! That life, that lifestyle that OTHERS envy – living the dream that makes you have to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming.
Being a huge music fan and musician, I often see life as a musical composition. Not just any composition, but our Magnum Opus: a great work; the greatest achievement of an artist or writer.
The word ENTERPRISE is defined as: a project or undertaking, typically one that is difficult or requires effort; the ability or desire to do dangerous or difficult things or to solve problems in new ways.
In order to achieve or accomplish anything great in the world that makes a real difference, it’s going to be challenging, and it’s going to take significant effort. Like the old adage goes, “the only place you see success come before work is in the dictionary.”
My goal is to share with you resources and tools – some you knew about, some brand new to you – to create YOUR MAGNUM OPUS ENTERPRISE in the most effective, efficient manner possible. Ideally, I hope learn some new things from YOU as well!
Enjoy the Journey!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.